KSI supplies the individually tailored hardware and software solution for the operation and monitoring of compressed air installations.
Online System Monitoring
Modular hardware and software solution for the operation and monitoring of compressed air installations
Adsorption/regeneration cycle display
Microprocessor fully electronic
Energy-saving compressor synchronization control
Cycle times are variably adjustable (selectable)
Status display and potential-free alarm signal for service
24 V optionally possible
Can also be used for adsorption dryers of other manufacturers (after configuration by KSI)
Control with fixed cycle times
Available for the entire ECOCTROC® AT series
Sending of notification and alarm messages by email
All ECOCTROC® AT dryers can easily be upgraded (even older models and models from other manufacturers)
Dew point measurement and display up to -100°C
Demand-oriented regeneration control by measuring the operational conditions
Integrated load change counter (makes vessel inspections at a later time possible)
Saves the operating parameters in combination with date and time (still available after power failure)
Password protection on all levels (can be modified)
Connection for optical and acoustic signals (flashing light, horn, etc.)
Automatic service indicator
Service interval display, adjustable intervals
Potential-free alarm output
External 4-20 mA-signal to transfer the displayed dew point value, i.e. to a master display or control room
Dew point control
Pressure measurement at the dryer inlet and indication on the controlled display
Temperature measurement at the dryer inlet and indicator in the control display
Safety shutdown in case of divergence from specified values is possible
Dew point control including inlet air monitoring
Prevention through optimized service and deployment planning
Detect critical situations online at any time
Alarm acknowledgement and online configuration: no unnecessary trips to the plant
No access to end customer data by KSI
Data logging and visualization of current and past values (without limitation of data volume)
Warnings and fault messages by email
Service parts (also for third-party products) for all system components with maintenance interval pre-defined or storable
Private label version for end customer presentation (optional)
Additional data boxes allow the connection and definition of a variety of sensors
Switching of electrical components over defined conditions
Software as web app: no installation on end devices necessary ▶ access with any internet-enabled end device
Databases and servers at German locations, encrypted connection between server and user device
Individual system configuration as PID representation
Standard scope of delivery in all
ECOTROC® ATK | ATO dryer units
Functions like ETC 4.0, plus: